21 Jan/2019
As part of the UNISDR initiative and building on the results achieved and presented in the reports that covered all activities, the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center, UPDRRC, at An-Najah National University conducted workshop on the 21st of January, 2019 at the conference room in the scientific centers building to present and discuss the DRR action plan for Nablus city.
The participants represented almost all stakeholders mainly those who participated from the early start in addition to UPDRRC team. The following can be reported:
1 Workshop agenda:
Summary and Update on UNISDR Initiative for Nablus.
Presentation of a sample part of the matrix of detailed local DRR Actions for Nablus.
Presentation of the draft list of projects proposed by the team.
Open discussions.
Workshop closing.
2 Summary and Update on UNISDR Initiative
An opening for the workshop by Professor Jalal and included the following:
– Welcoming remarks
– Quick presentation on the project components and where do we stand.
– The main purpose and objective of the action plan workshop.
– Emphasize on the important and major role of all stakeholders in the whole process.
– The gaps that were identified by all stakeholders which directed the scores and the actions that are required to be taken and the responsible institutions.
– The need to continue working on DRR towards resilient City building on the results of UNISDR initiative.
– The need to integrate and consider the DRR in the development plans of the city.
– The need to coordinate efforts on the national level.
– The importance of the investment in the DRR.
– The importance of analyzing the results of the scorecard to feed in the action plan.
3 Presentation of a sample part of the matrix of detailed local DRR Actions for Nablus.
It was presented by Engineer Abdel Hakeem with the support by the team and included briefing on the following:
– The main reference of the actions is the results in the detailed score card which were prepared and finalized with major contribution from all stakeholders.
– All info in the score card was restructured and presented in a form of a Matrix for the actions and included the objectives, the indicators, the time frame as well as the responsible institutions for all actions
– The actions will be the guidance for the projects that will be adopted to be included in the action plan of the city.
– The importance of participation of all stakeholders towards improving the ownership feeling and the responsibility among stakeholders towards sustainability.
4 Presentation of the draft list of projects proposed by the team.
It was presented with open discussion and input from all participants. This was the major part of the workshop and the methodology adopted was:
· Presentation of the draft list of projects
· Presentation and open discussion covering all sub-projects or activities that are included in each main project
· Prioritization of the projects
After finalizing the list of the sub projects or activities within the main projects, the floor was open to all participants to:
– Modify the main names or titles of the projects.
– Prioritize the projects building on the agreed upon criteria: The need, the importance, the budgets and the time frame.
· Time frame
After fixing the list of the main projects and the prioritization, the participants and through open discussion were requested to suggest a time frame to implement these projects and activities, building on the adopted criteria mentioned above and within the time frame of Sendia frame work for DRR, i.e.
· Responsible institutions:
The last part of the discussion was to agree on the responsible intuitions who will take the lead in the implantation and follow up of the activities in coordination of concerned institutions each in the sector responsible for.
The institutions were divided into three levels, namely:
– The national and governmental level
– The city level and
– Others
The participants agreed on all responsible institutions for all projects
5 Recommendations
The main recommendations were:
– Work immediately on reflecting all results of the discussions, feedback and all what was agreed upon in the action plan.
– To distribute the plan after finalization to all concerned.
– To exchange experience and share knowledge and lessons learned with other cities in Palestine.
– To consider this UNISDR initiative a start and to continue working DRR.
– Keep up the work and continue towards improving the level of resilience of the Nablus City.
6 Workshop closing
Appreciation for all efforts and confirmation on commitment of all towards the resilience of Nablus City.