1. Background
As part of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk (UNISDR) initiative, supported by the European Commission which includes engaging 20 cities worldwide in an initiative entitled “Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient by Implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 which will be done applying the disaster resilience scorecard detailed level assessment, with the purposes of identifying and understanding current and future risks, as well as challenges and gaps in DRR at the local level
Nablus City, in Palestine, was of the 20 cities and one of the four cities in the Arab Region. The Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center UPDRRC of An Najah National University which was contracted and supported by UNISDR to conduct the project and as referred to in the previous reports conducted a 2-day training workshop on DRR and the score card in Nablus on the 1st and 2nd August, 2018. To proceed further, the UPDRRC conducted three-day training workshop to implement the detailed level assessment on the Disaster Resilience Scorecard on 5, 6 and 13 September, 2018, as well as several mini workshops and discussions have been conducted before and after. The trainees were representatives of the different stakeholder institutions of the city who are involved and concerned in Disaster Risk Reduction and activities towards resilient Nablus.
UPDRRC distributed the scorecard with all supporting documents including the relevant indicators, the applied terminologies to all participants after the workshops of 1st and 2nd August in order to prepare and familiarize themselves for the coming training on the scorecards. The results of the score card were reported and forwarded to UNISDR.
All above work was presented in details in the reports submitted to UNISDR as per the agreement Additionally, and parallel to the above mentioned activities and actions, NM and UPDRRC teams performed intensive activities and communications to collect the local disaster loss data for the last 30-years period for Nablus city. Also, UPDRRC team requested the support from UNISDR team for support and advice. Details will be presented later in this report.
2. Introduction
As reported and committed earlier by UPDRRC to conduct additional workshops with all concerned institutions and stakeholders covering the following issues:
2.1 Data Base
The first workshop aims to discuss and present the results of the data base, the shortcomings and gaps, the importance of having a single source for data base, the need to create a data base on the local level and at the end integrate it with the data base on the national level. In addition to the importance of having a national team.
2.2 Results of the scorecard
There was a need to present the results of the scorecard to all stakeholders who shared in the previous discussions, workshops, individual meetings, and providing information that helped in identifying the relevant scoring that represents where Nablus stand.
2.3 Nablus Action Plan
The third workshop will be conducted following the first two workshops, and building on the presentation of the scorecard results as well as the discussions on the data base results and targets, which will definitely influence the action plan since there is a need to integrate all concerned each in his own sector, thus emphasizing on the participatory approach as well as the responsibility which will enrich the action plan and make it more reliable and realistic
3. First Workshop Session: Data base
This workshop session had the following main topics:
3.1 Summary and Update on UNISDR Initiative.
An opening for the workshop by Professor Jalal and included the following:
– Quick presentation on the project components and where do we stand.
– The transition from Hugo frame work to Sendia Frame work for DRR
– The main objectives of Sendai Frame work for DRR and its ten essentials and the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs.
– The importance in the investment in the DRR.
– The need to improve the level of response to disasters.
– The importance of analyzing the results of the scorecard to feed in the action plan. The need to have a data base.
3.2 Disaster Loss collection in Nablus for the last 30 years.
It was presented by Nablus Municipality focal Point, Dr. Amal who covered the following:
– The importance of having a disaster loss data base.
– The types of disaster losses collected.
– The challenges.
– The sources of the information and who shared in the data collection
– The results and the conclusions
3.3 The future needs connected to Disaster loss data base:
It was presented by Engineer Abdelhakeem with open discussion and input from all participants and covered the following:
– The need to have a single source and a certain team or party to take the lead and responsibility of the disaster loss data base.
– The importance of having an accessibility to the information.
– The need of continuous updates for the info.
– The continuous feedback form all stakeholders.
– The need for connection and coordination on the national level as well as the regional and international levels in the future.
3.4 Recommendations about the Disaster Loss Data base:
Through open and fruitful discussions, sharing opinions and ideas between all participants, the recommendations of this workshop session can be summarized as follows:
1. Given the project covers Nablus city and knowing that the Municipality is taking care of many services and actions connected to the services of the city, including the dealing with the distress, it was agreed that the municipality is the candidate to host the disaster loss data base by creating a unit to be responsible for the data base given doing the following:
– Memorandums of understanding MoUs to be signed with all concerned institutions including the private sector with clear roles and responsibilities.
– Support the data base unit with all needed human, financial and technical resources
– Commitment from the Municipality to cooperate and share all data with all concerned.
– Commitment from all other institutions to cooperate and submit all required and updated info continuously
– Build a clear structure of the disaster loss data base unit
– Transparent recruitment of skills, create a data base for skills, conduct capacity building, exchange and transfer knowledge
2. Accessibility to data
To be published through a website with easy access to all concerned
Create a profile for each institution building on identified and agreed roles and responsibilities
Flexibility in updating and exchanging the data under the control of nominated unit.
3. Data updates and feedback continuously
4. Involve as much as possible of concerned institutions including civil society, private sector as well as the relevant ministries and national institutions like the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology and the National Committee for DRR that could be a major support and advice.
5. Maintain exposure and coordination with others in the region to benefit from their experience 6. The need to adopt a security system to protect the data base.
4. Second Workshop Session:
4.1 Scorecard Results
– The scorecard results were presented by Engineer Abdelhakeem covering the results of all 118 indicators. Attention was paid to the following:
– The Indicators that are not applicable to the City of Nablus like the gas networks, river and sea, airports, etc and how the system dealt with them.
– The total scored by the city compared to highest possible scores after taking out those that are not applicable which gives an indication where does the city stand in terms of disaster rtesilience.
– The Justification and means of verification which was added building on the feedback and discussions with most of the participants through a long period. .
– The gaps and the proposed actions.
– The need to distribute all scorecard results to all participants in order to take into consideration while thinking of the relevant actions to feed in the action plan each in the sector responsible for. This will be a preparation for the third additional workshop about the action plan that will take place within the 2nd week of January 2019 as reported to UNISDR.
5. Plans for the coming Period
Distribution of the scorecard results on all participants.
Coordination and discussions regarding the action plan.
Third additional workshop to discuss the Action Plan to take place within the second week of January 2019.
Prepare and finalize the city local resilience action plan based on the workshop results, the feedback, the actions proposed by the participants and the completed disaster resilience score card detailed assessment
Reporting to UNISDR covering deliverable D 4.1
Preparation and submission of the final report.